The next resource on this list is ‘ الحكم الربوية’ which was written by Dr. Mansoor Alghamdi, who has many years of experience working in the Islamic finance industry and has worked in the Shariah Departments of some of the most prominent Islamic financial institutions in KSA. The book looks at the crucial topic of riba and the reasons (wisdoms) behind its prohibition according to different scholars. Various reasons (wisdoms) are analysed in the book such as Shariah/legal, economic, social and other reasons (wisdoms).

In this research, the author discusses and critiques the different opinions, regarding the reasons (wisdoms) for the prohibition of riba as well as the main proponents of these opinions (both classical as well as contemporary scholars).  The author first describes each reason (wisdom) according to those who support it, the most prominent scholars who have supported the particular reason (wisdom), its development and history, its evidences as well as the affect of the reason (wisdom) on fiqh opinions. The author then subsequently, critically analyses the reason (wisdom) and discusses the issues surrounding the particular reason (wisdom).

The topic of riba is an an important topic and this particular resource is a good addition to the available literature on the subject. It is a must read for those interested in the field of contemporary Islamic finance as understanding the various opinions regarding the reasons (wisdoms) behind the prohibition of riba (interest) and the criticism against each, enables one to better understand the affect that these opinions have on how scholars view legal tricks and legal exits with regards to financial transactions and on how they would view some of the practices of the contemporary Islamic finance industry.

This resource is available online for free (Arabic) from the Bank Albilad website (link below):   

Hekam Rebawya.indd (

To read the previous post (#14) of this series, please click the link below:  

Islamic Economics/Finance Reading List (#14) – الدليل الشرعي المختصر لمنتجات أسواق المال | RIZQONOMICS