When I was living in Dubai I remember having a discussion with a close friend of mine. I was surprised to find out that he banked with a conventional bank when there were so many Islamic banks and even Islamic windows available. I advised him to open an account with an Islamic bank to which he responded ‘Islamic banks have terrible customer service ’.

Below is brief summary of my own personal experience with Islamic banks:

1) Up to the age of 11 when I was in the UK – I had no bank account of any type

2) From the age of 11 to 19 in Zimbabwe – I had no bank account of any type as we just used cash for everything

3) At 19 – I opened my 1st bank account with an Islamic bank in Malaysia. There were two Islamic banks located on the main campus at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM/UIA). From what I can recall the customer service was generally decent for students and I never experienced any particular issues.

4) From 2011 to early 2012 – I moved back to the UK for a short period to get some work experience. While I had been visiting the UK almost yearly when I was in Zimbabwe and Malaysia, I had never opened a bank account. As I was now working in the UK, I needed an account to receive my salary etc. so decided to visit an Islamic bank. The customer service wasn’t great and they had a lot of documentary requirements which I couldn’t meet. I ended up going to a conventional bank a few doors away and was able to open a Shariah Compliant account almost immediately.

5) 5 Years in the UAE – I experienced excellent customer service from the Islamic banks that I banked with, only experiencing minor issues. This might possibly have been due to being a member of staff. Additionally, being part of the Shariah Department, staff of other departments are generally very respectful towards you.

6) 6 Years in KSA – Once again good customer service overall from the Islamic banks I used. Once again being part of the Shariah Department, the staff of other departments are generally very respectful towards you. However, even in other Islamic banks that I used, besides the one I was attached to, the customer service was excellent.

7) Back in the UK in 2024 – Easily opened a new account with an Islamic bank and experienced excellent customer service.

Overall my banking experience with Islamic banks has been good with each bank improving with time and embracing new technology. Islamic banks as well as Muslim businesses should have excellent customer service. Not having good customer service can cause reputational risks and lose you customers. I recently had a call with a newly established Umrah Company that wanted me to be a Shariah Guide on their umrah trips. I advised them that after having good intentions, they should focus on their customer service in order for them to be successful inshaAllah.

What has been your experience of banking with Islamic banks: good, bad or ugly?