The next resource on this list is ‘Frequently asked questions about Islamic banks (Sixty Q and As)’. This is the second resource on this list published by the Shariah Department at Bahrain Islamic Bank (BisB) and was prepared by the Head of Shariah, Sheikh Hamad Farooq Al Shaikh and revised by the Shariah Board. The book is a compilation of common Q&As on Islamic banking practices and aims to bring clarity to an area where this a perceived ambiguity amongst the public.

The publication consists of 60 of the most common Q&As regarding Islamic banking practices and is divided into different sections (The overall banking system, The Shariah Supervisory Board, Products and finance offered by Islamic Banks and Investments). It has been compiled in an easy to read manner and does not go into lengthy discussions nor is it too brief. By going through the publication, the reader will be able to gain further clarity on some of the most common areas of confusion regarding Islamic banking practices.   

This resource was recently published and the 1st edition is available as one pdf both in Arabic/English (translation) for free from the BisB website from the following link:

general-inquiries.pdf ( 


To read the previous post (#12) of this series, please click the link below:


Islamic Economics/Finance Reading List (#12) – Al Mufeed (Transactions of Islamic Banks) | RIZQONOMICS