Nov 15, 2024 | Blog, General
In this day and age we see many Muslims selling their courses on social media. Online learning is a blessing as it enables us to learn new information from various experts from the comfort of our homes.However, before paying for any course, you should really ask...
Nov 15, 2024 | Blog, Islamic Finance
A common concern amongst customers of Islamic financial institutions is in regards to the pricing or benchmarking of Shariah compliant products to the prevailing interest rate. In simple terms, if the prevailing interest rate is 2% and because of this a conventional...
Nov 6, 2024 | Blog, Islamic Finance
You can see quite a few Shariah compliant FinTech companies & startups operating with only a single Shariah Advisor or sometimes none at all. In a lot of cases this might be due to the cost implications involved of having more than one Shariah Advisor. However,...
Nov 6, 2024 | Blog, Islamic Finance
In certain jurisdictions, some Shariah Advisory Companies have been affected due to the implementation of Shariah Governance regulations.For example in the UAE, in order to ensure the independence of Shariah Committee members of Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs),...
Nov 3, 2024 | Blog, Islamic Finance
Many stakeholders would prefer to see Islamic banks offering more profit & loss sharing products & services. However, this is very difficult due to the way banks are regulated and what they have been established for. Alternative Islamic financial institutions...